We are The LIFE Network. We are creators of Christian Learning Resources. Our mission is to produce, publish, present and provide these resources to those who can use them to train leaders, build disciples, and plant the church throughout the world.
Our materials can be used in any number of ways and for a variety of purposes. They are adaptable for use in schools, ministries, home-schooling, churches, and for personal uses. There is no limit to the use and application of these Bible-based learning resources.
Our resources have bridged many connections with people and places which give us an ever-enlarging coastline around the world. We invite you to partner with us in extending our coastline and yours as we obey the great commission of our Lord, Jesus Christ. A pattern for partnering with us in this work can be seen in the life of Christ as he observed the needs around him; he saw the need, he was moved with compassion, and he responded in an appropriate way (Matthew 14:14). This is what we ask you to join with us in doing.
Above all else, we ask you to join us at the highest level of partnership: prayer. With us, nothing is possible. But with God, all things are possible. Please connect with us and let us know that you will be our partners in this exciting and adventurous great commission work.

Allen was born into a Christian home in South Carolina in August of 1961. At the age of six, he confessed his faith in Jesus Christ. Almost immediately, he knew that he wanted to be in ministry somehow, probably as a pastor. For the next ten years, Allen continued to attend church but was not discipled intentionally and strategically into his life’s purpose. Consequently, as a floundering teenager, he fell out of church, struggling to find and fulfill his true identity in Christ.
After ten years in a dry spiritual wilderness, God began to put some people into Allen’s life who would disciple him as Christ modeled and mandated in the Bible. One man in particular discipled Allen with vision and strategy, setting him on a Biblical trajectory which he has followed now for more than thirty years. To do the same thing for others has become Allen’s way of life.
The culmination of Allen’s life experience, education and ministry can be found in The LIFE Network. Allen learned and teaches that with the right Biblical guidance, any believer in Christ can make an impact in the world for God of Biblical proportion. If this sounds of interest to you, Allen is glad you have stumbled into his camp.
Allen L. Elder is an ordained minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. His education is in the fields of Mechanical Engineering Graphics, Christian Ministry, and Christian Creative Writing. He has served in eight churches over more than thirty years of ministry. He has been involved in Christian leadership training in his home state and around the world through short-term mission trips. He is a husband, father of three sons, and grandfather to his three grandchildren.