When we first began to write The LIFE Plan in 2015, we knew that God was giving us something of significance that would help us in making disciples in the local church. Since that time, we have seen God give life to The LIFE Plan and increase its influence and impact beyond our highest thoughts, hopes, and dreams. We are seeing it continue to advance around the world into new places. Just last week, we saw it reach new people in Kenya and the possibility was set before us for it to go farther into Central America this spring.
During the writing of The LIFE Plan, God gave us the privilege to get it translated into Spanish and to begin using it in Mexico and in other Central American countries. God put two translators before us who did the work of translating The LIFE Plan into Spanish. They each did an amazing job in the work which they did. Their comments on the material are given below.

My name is Jorge Basto, I live in Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico, and I'm 26 years old. I am a teacher, interpreter and translator. I think that The LIFE Plan is excellent. I think that it is a very good and helpful material to help church members, new believers, and people to know more about God, the Bible, how to know Him better and have a better relationship with him. It is also a very important tool to disciple people and tell them about the good news of Jesus Christ.

My name is Paula Pérez Bonilla. I'm a lawyer and a certified translator in Mexico City, Mexico. The LIFE Plan is such a great material both for those who are starting their walk with Jesus and for long-time Christians who want to go over the fundamentals of faith again. Every lesson helps you learn principles of God's Word, understand what the Bible says, and, most importantly, live every word God is speaking to us. This comprehensive discipleship program is definitely a great choice to learn more about our Lord.
We would like our partners to know that The LIFE Plan is available from The LIFE Network in Spanish by electronic file. If you would like to have the lessons in Spanish, or would like to provide them to someone who can use them, please get in touch with us by either emailing us directly at admin@thelifenetwork.online or CLICK HERE to complete a form with your mailing information and we will mail you your copy. These lessons have recently gone to Nicaragua and will soon be on their way to Panama. You can help us advance them to other places and people, too.
For His Purpose and Glory,
Allen L. Elder