The LIFE Plan is a 6-volume Bible study, disciple-making curriculum. It is designed to take you from the very beginning with God to finding and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. From this curriculum you will learn the Bible’s story of redemption through Jesus Christ, the Bible’s structure, the Bible’s strategy of multiplication and spiritual reproduction, and the Bible’s service plan for every believer in Christ.
This curriculum is ideal for use in Bible Institutes, Homeschooling, Christian Schools, Children's and Youth Ministry, Sunday School, Small Groups, Prison Ministry, Personal Discipling, Ministry, Sports Ministries, Missions, Personal Study, and Family Devotions, etc.
These Bible-based learning resources can be used in any number of ways and for a variety of purposes. There is no limit to the use and application of The LIFE Plan.
The LIFE Plan is a 6-volume Bible study, disciple-making curriculum. It is designed to take you from the very beginning with God to finding and fulfilling God’s purpose for your life.

The LIFE Plan Bible study curriculum has been seen in over
42 U.S. states,
on six continents,
and in more than 80 countries.
The Bible's Story is all about how God fulfilled his promise to send his deliverer to destroy the works of the devil and to rescue fallen men. Every person and story in the Bible has to be considered in light of this larger story. The LIFE Plan presents this story in its logical progression, in the context of the structure of the entire Bible, and in light of the great commission.
God’s strategy in the Bible is the same from cover to cover. From his first command to man to be fruitful and multiply to his great commission to make disciples in all nations, God intends for his followers to reproduce more learners and followers of God through Christ. The LIFE Plan will show you the Bible’s strategy of reproducing your life in Christ in order to make your own impact in the world for Christ.
God has a general purpose for our lives and it is the same for every one of us; to make disciples in all ethnic groups in the world. However, each one of us may do this is our own unique way. This is the specific purpose of God for our individual lives which we all must find. The LIFE Plan will point out the clues God has given us to help us find our way. What difference would it make in your life if you knew the reason God has you here on earth at this time in history?

Paula Pérez Bonilla,
Certified Translator in English
The L.I.F.E. Plan is a life-changer!
When you have been walking with God for a certain number of years, you may take for granted everything you learned when you first gave your life to Jesus. We learn from the very beginning that we've been created for a purpose, that God is completely intentional with us, that our ultimate work is to serve Him and share the Good News. Through L.I.F.E., we can remember that and also dig in so deeply that the Spirit of God speaks clearly enough and encourages us to keep up with the good work, move us to renew our commitment to the Lord, inspire us with new and fresh ideas to serve Him, and most importantly: be reassured of how great God's love is!
The L.I.F.E. Plan is undoubtedly a great tool to teach new believers to become disciples, and to remind the body of Christ that sharing His love and salvation with the world is the heart of a true disciple, the very heart of Jesus Christ.

Herb Hodges,
Founder of Spiritual Life Ministries
I have known Allen for quite a number of years now, and have always been impressed with his commitment to Christ, his love for people, his desire to impact the world for Christ, and his willingness to use the strategy which Jesus modeled and mandated for fulfilling His Great Commission. Having been with Allen on several teaching missions, I know and respect his ability to present the commission and strategy of Jesus in a life-transforming way.
Personally, I have spent 49 years in the Gospel ministry, and though I have been privileged to be a pastor of great churches and travel all over the world, teaching and training pastors and leaders for the last 22 years, nothing has changed by life and ministry as has the truth of the strategy of Jesus for building disciples.
The theme of Brother Allen's teaching is how to fulfill The Great Commission of Jesus by building world-visionary, world-impacting disciples who will reproduce others of the same kind and will multiply to the ends of the earth until the end of time. I strongly recommend that you have him and his resources in your church, and that you learn how to implement this strategy in your ministry. You will be forever glad that you did.
What global ministry leaders say about The LIFE Plan